Our software can help you easily manage your company's shares, employee plans, and tokenised assets. It's simple, powerful, and available as a cloud-based service.

What we do

Our software makes it easy for companies and their shareholders to register and transfer ownership quickly. It has lots of useful features that make the process efficient and smooth.

Share Registry

Our software makes it easier and faster for companies to register and transfer ownership of shares. This helps companies save time and money by reducing the need for manual work and making things more efficient.

Private Markets

Our solution works for both public and private markets and can handle different kinds of financial assets, like shares of a company, loans, and even physical or digital items.

Cloud and DLT enabled

Our solution leverages the power of blockchain technology as a Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), based on our cloud-enabled IT infrastructure backbone

Our Products

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our software

issuer and investor platform

Ready to take your service to the next level?

Ask for a demonstration of our products today to find out how they can help you improve your work and services in a better way!

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